Friday, June 27, 2008

ALA Conference

ALA is in Anaheim, CA this year. Strange to go from one Orange County to another, from one Disney location to another. I am afraid it is not my favorite city. It reminds me of Joni Mitchell's "Big Yellow Taxi."
Today was devoted to ACRL and my new role as chair of the Government Relations Committee. The association does all kinds of leadership orientation etc. You can really make a much or as little as you want out of these appointments. The thing I really enjoy about this committee is that its role is focused outside the profession on how we can influence government and public policy. If the members of the committee agree I hope this year we can focus on continuing to develop the legislative advocates program in very specific strategic ways. So that we eventually have advocates in each congressional district and state that is represented by members who sit on Congressional committees that are important in terms of library, higher education, and information policy. We shall see.

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